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   日期:2018-08-15     浏览:15    状态:状态
展会日期 2018-12-01 至 2018-12-02
展出城市 潍坊
展出地址 山东省潍坊市奎文区潍州路519号
展馆名称 潍坊金宝国际展览中心
主办单位 北京联诚国际展览有限公司
2018 the seventh China Shandong (Weifang) international water saving irrigation and greenhouse Horticultural Exhibition
Time: 1-2 December 2018
Venue: Shandong Weifang Jinbao International Convention and Exhibition Center.
The preface and prospects for agricultural development will lead the development of the industry.
During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, farmland water conservancy was taken as the key point of agricultural infrastructure construction. By 2020, the effective irrigation area of farmland will reach more than 100 million mu, and the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water will be raised to more than 0.55. It is the general trend and urgent need to develop large-scale high-efficiency water-saving irrigation technology and actively innovate and popularize advanced and practical water-saving irrigation technology. "Water is the lifeblood of agriculture." With the rapid development of science and technology in recent years, water-saving irrigation and agricultural production of fertilization, spraying, cultivation and variety breeding elements are increasingly integrated, inseparable, water-fertilizer-gas-medicine integration, Internet of Things management, intelligent agriculture and other comprehensive innovative technologies are emerging in endlessly. Therefore, greenhouse and irrigation water-saving technology facilities are the most important in modern agriculture.
In response to the call of the No.1 document of the Central Committee of the Party for the development of modern new agriculture, the improvement of the yield and quality of agricultural products, and the promotion of sustainable increase of farmers'income, the problems and solutions of water-saving irrigation and greenhouse technology development and innovation under the new situation were discussed and exchanged, which was solely undertaken by Beijing Aibo International Exhibition Co.Ltd. The 6th China Shandong (Weifang) International Water-saving Irrigation and Greenhouse Horticulture Exhibition will be held in Lutai International Convention and Exhibition Center of Shandong Province from April 29 to 30, 2017. The exhibition covers an area of 20,000 square meters. It is expected that 800 exhibitors and 35,000 purchasers will attend the exhibition.
[scope of exhibits]
1. Greenhouse/horticultural equipment exhibition area: greenhouse engineering, complete greenhouse, greenhouse materials, greenhouse supporting system, greenhouse skeleton structure, greenhouse film, thermal insulation quilt, coil motor, cooling/heating ventilation system, temperature control system, horticultural materials, ornamental plants, etc.
_2. Water-saving irrigation exhibition area: micro-irrigation, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation machinery, automatic control system, filters, pumps, pipes, fittings, valves, field management, plant protection machinery, garden (horticultural) machinery, water-soluble fertilizer, water and fertilizer integrated facilities, etc.
_3. High-tech exhibition area: information agriculture, precision agricultural technology, testing instruments, soilless cultivation technology, agricultural high-tech equipment, agricultural information and communication services, information management, financial services, etc.
电 话:010-189 1144 0637
联系人: 刘彻86-15810221737(同微信)
邮  箱:liuche2013@Foxmail.com
Contact details of the Organizing 
Beijing Liancheng International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Tel: 010-189 11440637
Contact: Liu Che 86-15810221737 (with WeChat)
Mailbox: liuche2013@Foxmail.com
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